Market Your Products & GET FOUND Online
Easy-to-use Online Catalog Software for the Small Business
webShaper e-catalog is specially designed for Wholesaler, Distributors, Manufacturers, Dealers or any businesses that currently selling an active list of products offline and would like to publish and market their product online. With webShaper e-catalog, you can publish all your products' details online and maintain it with ease. You can easily update at will through a web browser from virtually anywhere with an Internet connection.
What good is great catalog if nobody knows about it?
That's why webShaper e-catalog software comes with all the SEO (Search Engine Optimization) features which help all of your product pages created using webShaper e-catalog properly indexed and GET FOUND by The GYM (Google, Yahoo & MSN). When your prospect searching for a particular keyword related to your products, your product page will actually show up!
Try search "e-catalog software" or "e-catalogue software" see how our website rank in Google's organic search results.
Grab the Passive Leads! - Product page that calls for an action
Every website has a Goal. One of the biggest mistakes made on a website is not using Call-to-Actions telling the visitors what to do next. The goal of the online catalog website is to generate passive leads where you can convert into a life-time customers. Thus the standard template that comes with webShaper e-catalog is built to encourage your online prospects to place an enquiry, email their friends about your products or signup for newsletter. Any enquiries via the website will be traceable via the built-in Enquiry Manager for further follow up.
Get to know your web visitors like nobody does
Do you know where your visitors coming from? How do they find you? Do you know Internet is the most traceable medium compared to Print / Radio / TV? Thus webShaper e-catalog also integrates FREE website statistical software like StatCounter and Google Analytics, to help you understand more about your website visitors so that you can revise and improve your online marketing plan for greater results!
Installing the FREE Web Analytics code from Google Analytics or
Statcounter is a SNAP. You can track your visitors almost instantly.
In a nutshell, webShaper powered online catalogue is the most complete e-catalogue solution you will ever need. It gives you high ROI (return on investment) over your online marketing efforts for your e-catalog and save your thousands on priting, maintenance and support cost along the way.